The latest in HO scale modular model railroading
Free-mo was developed with the idea that a set of standards focusing mainly on module endplates would enable faithful modeling of prototype trackplans and operations in a modular environment. The length and track configuration of a Free-mo module or module set is up to the modeler. Free-mo takes the boredom out of running trains monotonously around a double or even a triple track mainline. With Free-mo, less is more.
Free-mo operates like a permanent or sectional layout but still retains its modularity (Free-mo is actually more modular then existing double track modules). Free-mo layouts are operated with a single track mainline in a point to loop, loop to loop, or point to point. Layout sizes can vary to any size conceivable.
The Free-mo mainline is centered on a two foot end so modules can be inverted 180 degrees and still mate up to the adjacent module without modification to wiring or track. The Free-mo mainline also takes advantage of stronger industry support of code 83 rail.
Free-mo was developed with the idea that a set of standards focusing mainly on module endplates would enable faithful modeling of prototype trackplans and operations in a modular environment. The standards just mandate the ends where modules connect together, leaving the length and track configuration up to the modeler. This in turn yields extremely flexible standards that work! For example, if you want to build a module that is 5 feet 7 and 3/4 inches long with an angle of 19 degrees and a 2% grade, you can do it with Free-mo!
Free-mo enables the modeler’s creativity to shine through their modules. No longer are modelers confined to fixed-length modules of 4, 6, or 8 feet long. They may build a module to their own needs and dreams.